Saturday, November 15, 2008

Old Computers? Yes Please!

Remember when that first Mac computer came out? Well I don't.  But I do remember having one at our family cabin out in western Minnesota.  The monitor was like a heavy cinderblock with a screen about the size of your palm. The actual computer was another rectangular box, situated next to the monitor. Of course, the computer's capabilities were limited to downloading games and intermittently crashing just as you defeated the slime monster on level 7 of Rogue. Oh joy! 

Despite the poor quality of this computer, it was my first memory of technology.  Pong, Tetris, Rogue, Minesweeper, and Helicopter - all in black in white I might add - kept us kids occupied on those dreary, rainy days. Pong was, well, Pong. Tetris... well if you have never heard of Tetris, I'm sorry for your loss. But Rogue, that's something worth explaining. You start out as an Apprentice, exploring the dungeons in search of coins, magic potions, scrolls, and the staircase that'll lead you to the next level.  Easy right? Wrong! There are monsters too, and you could only kill them by clicking furiously on them with the mouse.  This game got us kids pretty worked up sometime. I'm actually surprised the mouse (and the computer for that matter) still works!

We still have that old computer out at the cabin.  It serves as a sort of reminder to what technology has become.  I think exposure to this kind of technology at a young age has allowed me, and most of the rest of my generation, to become the tech-savvy, or tech-dependent, generation to which everyone refers. I'd like to think I'm not totally dependent on this machinery; that I could somehow scrape my way through life without it. I mean Eistein and his genius buddies did fine right? Wow, listen to me; trying to defend myself while I sit typing this at a MacBook Pro. Then again, I do use for words I don't know, and a calculator for 12 times 6! Its pathetic but what can I say?  Life with technology isn't going away anytime soon, and, personally, I love it!!!


EB said...

Good work. I remember when I was at your cabin and it was storming and we played games on the old Mac. Good times.

Kelsey said...

12*6=72. I only know this because I burned into my brain that 5*12=60.

Eliot Hart-Nelson said...

Remember when macs were the color of fruit?

Natalie Mironov said...

So true Emma! Oh, how I love technology.